The Construction of Time in Antiquity

This morning, one of the interesting things turned up by my feed reader was a BMCR review written by Kassandra Miller, who is currently Visiting Assistant Professor in Classics at Union College:

Miller, Kassandra. [Review of: Jonathan Ben-Dov, Lutz Doering (Ed.), The Construction of Time in Antiquity: Ritual, Art, and Identity. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Pp. Xii, 296. ISBN 9781107108967. £75.00.]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, no. 2019.03.20 (March 2019).

I've put the Ben-Dov/Doering book on my "to read" list. I'm also looking forward to the appearance of Prof. Miller's forthcoming multi-authored Brill volume on "short time" in the ancient Mediterranean, which (I assume) springs from this 2017 conference at the University of Chicago.

Job: Roman Lectureship at Bates College

Thanks to a post by Lisa Maurizio on the Digital Classicist listserv, I've learned about a two-year, 2-2 lectureship at Bates College teaching Roman history and culture and Latin starting this fall. "Research or teaching interest in issues of social justice, and expertise in digital humanities are especially welcome." One notes also that "a Ph.D. is preferred, but ABD candidates will be considered." Applications are due April 15, 2019.

Here's the full advert via Interfolio.