Posts for year 2007
- Historical GIS 2008 at Essex
- Cool URIs
- URLs and stability
- metapost/metablog: ancient world bloggers group
- Open Knowledge Foundation Notes Pleiades
- We Built It and the Coin People Came
- Epigraphy Unveiled
- TEI P5 Hits the Streets, What's EpiDoc Doing?
- Methodological approaches to Historical GIS
- The Mark Twain Project
- The least interesting thing
- Citations =? links
- Plone R-Tree Spatial Index
- AtomPub rubber meets the road
- The Publication and Study of Inscriptions in the Age of the Computer
- Graduate Conference in Ancient Borderlands
- Digital Humanities and Computer Science
- Social War, Anyone?
- kodos: python regular expression debugger
- Pleiades data status
- Pleiades and other projects: Atom, GeoRSS and RDF
- precario usi sunt
- Using New Technologies to Explore Cultural Heritage
- Trailing slashes in Pleiades
- Comments Policy
- URLs for Pleiades
- Recipe for a Riot?
- Mediterranean Ceramics
- define:horothesia
- Volunteered Geographic Information
- Duck and cover?
- Bibliographic Proximity
- Mine, it's all mine
- evolve librum manualem futue!
- Feeds for Pleiades data