Maia Adjustments
The following feeds have been removed from Maia because they are generating errors on access and I have not been able to identify alternatives:
- Digital Arts and Humanities: Classics and Ancient History: the entire site seems to be having problems
- The Scribal Guild: Epigraphy and Archaeology of the West Semitic World: the feed returns nothing and the front page now reads: "This blog is protected, to view it you must log in"
- Saving Antiquities for Everyone News [xml]: still abusing the "pubdate" field by populating with event dates instead of announcement publication dates. This causes notices to hover at the top of the aggregator until the date of the event -- sometimes months away -- arrives.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review: Most Recent Articles [xml]: still abusing the "pubdate" field by repopulating it for all prior entries when a new entry is added, even if the prior entries remain unchanged. This causes old articles to "recycle" as new in feed readers subscribed to the aggregator feed. But note that the Bryn Mawr Classical Review Blog, which replicates the review content, does not have this problem and has been included in Maia since last Friday.