So, I want to see how hard it is to query the RDF that PELAGIOS partners are putting together. The first experiment is documented below.
Step 1: Set up a Triplestore (something to load the RDF into and support queries)
Context: I'm a triplestore n00b.
I found Jeni Tennison's Getting Started with RDF and SPARQL Using 4store and RDF.rb and, though I had no interest in messing around with Ruby as part of this exercise, the recommendation of 4store as a triplestore sounded good, so I went hunting for a Mac binary and downloaded it.
Step 2: Grab RDF describing content in
Context: I'm a point-and-click expert.
I downloaded the PELAGIOS-conformant RDF data published by at
Background: " is a collaborative effort to provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts and entities, for example the generic idea of a coin hoard or an actual hoard as documented in the print publication An Inventory of Greek Coin Hoards (IGCH)."
Step 3: Fire up 4store and load in the
Context: I'm a 4store n00b, but I can cut and paste, read and reason, and experiment.
Double-clicked the 4store icon in my Applications folder. It opened a terminal window.
To create and start up an empty database for my triples, I followed the 4store instructions and Tennison's post (mutatis mutandis) and so typed the following in the terminal window ("pelagios" is the name I gave to my database; you could call yours "ray" or "jay" if you like):
$ 4s-backend-setup pelagios
$ 4s-backend pelagios
Then I started up 4store's SPARQL http server and aimed it at the still-empty "pelagios" database so I could load my data and try my hand at some queries:$ 4s-httpd pelagios
Loading the nomisma data was then as simple as moving to the directory where I'd saved the RDF file and typing:$ curl -T 'http://localhost:8080/data/'
Note how the URI base for nomisma items is appended to the URL string passed via curl. This is how you specify the "model URI" for the graph of triples that gets created from the RDF.
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX oac: <>
?x oac:hasBody <> .
That's "find the ID of every OAC Annotation in the triplestore that's linked to Pleiades Place 462086" (i.e., Akragas/Agrigentum, modern Agrigento in Sicily). It's a list like this: PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX oac: <>
SELECT ?nomismaid
?x oac:hasBody <> .
?x oac:hasTarget ?nomismaid .